Excavations at Tepe Nush-i Jan. Part I: A Third Interim Report. Part II: Median Pottery from the Fallen Floor in the Fort. Part III: The Animal Remains, a Preliminary Report, 1973 and 1974.
Excavations at Baba Jan: The Pottery and Metal from Levels III and II.
Persepolitan Metrology
Excavations at Tal-i Malyan. Part I: A Sasanian Kiln. Part 2: Parthian and Sasanian Coins and Burials (1976).
Correction of the Internal Chronology for the Sialk III Period on the Basis of the Pottery Sequence at Tepe Ghabristan.
Shahr-i Sabz from Timur to Ulugh Beg - I
Unity and Variety in Indo-Islamic and Perso-Islamic Civilization: some ethical and political ideas of Diya' al-Din Barani of Delhi, of al-Ghazali and of Nasir al-Din Tusi compared.
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