Pentru partea I, vezi aici.
Vol. 16 (1978):
- Governing Council
- Director's Report
- Excavations at Tepe Nush-i Jan. Part I: A Third Interim Report. Part II: Median Pottery from the Fallen Floor in the Fort. Part III: The Animal Remains, a Preliminary Report, 1973 and 1974.
- Excavations at Baba Jan: The Pottery and Metal from Levels III and II.
- Persepolitan Metrology
- Excavations at Tal-i Malyan. Part I: A Sasanian Kiln. Part 2: Parthian and Sasanian Coins and Burials (1976).
- Correction of the Internal Chronology for the Sialk III Period on the Basis of the Pottery Sequence at Tepe Ghabristan.
- Shahr-i Sabz from Timur to Ulugh Beg - I
- Unity and Variety in Indo-Islamic and Perso-Islamic Civilization: some ethical and political ideas of Diya' al-Din Barani of Delhi, of al-Ghazali and of Nasir al-Din Tusi compared.
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Obituaries: Sir Max Mallowan
- Director's Report
- Basil Gray
- The Religious Mathnavis of Farid al-Din 'Attar
- Sin in Syria
- Bahram Gur's Hunting Feats or the Problem of Identification
- Ein Abschnitt der safavidischen Bandar-e 'Abbas - Siraz-Strasse: die Strecke von Seyyed Gemal ad-Din nach Lar
- Thrones and Enthronement Scenes in Sasanian Art
- The Life of Muhammad Zaman: a Reconsideration
- Der königliche Marstall in Isfahan in Engelbert Kaempfers Planographia des Palastbezirkes 1712
- Ein safavidischer Kachelbogen aus Isfahan im Britischen Museum mit einer Darstellung nach Nizami
- Taybad, Turbat-i Jam and Timurid Vaulting
- Painter-Illuminators of Sixteenth-Century Shiraz
- A propos des monuments de Sangbast
- Robert Sherley: the Unanswered Questions
- The Timurid Court: Life in Gardens and Tents
- Sir John Malcolm and the Order of the Lion and the Sun
- Survey of Excavations in Iran - 1978
- Governing Council
- Director's Report
- Qal'eh-i Yazdigird: Its Architectural Decorations
- Twinspouted Vessels and their Distribution in the Near East from the Achaemenian to the Sasanian periods
- Textual Sources for the Interpretation of Achaemenian Palace Decorations
- Texts about the Sculptures and Sculptors at Persepolis
- Elamite Inscriptions in the British Museum
- Amir-Malik- Shahanshah: 'Adud ad-Daula's Titulature Re-examined
- Earthquakes in the History of' Nishapur
- Shahr-i Sabz from Timur to Ulugh Beg
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Obituary: Sir Roger Stevens
- The Rulers of Chaghaniyan in Early Islamic Times
- A Popular Uprising in Samarqand in 1365
- The Qal'eh-i Yazdigird Pottery: A Statistical Approach
- The Second Parthian Ostracon from Qumis
- Herodotus' Medikos Logos and Median History
- Median and Parthian Plant Remains from Tepe Nush-i Jan
- Pottery of Haftavan VIB (Urmia Ware)
- Sialk III and the Pottery Sequence at Tepe Ghabristan, The Coherence of the Cultures of the Central Iranian Plateau
- Standing Stones in the Atrek Region: The Halat Nabi Cemetery
- A Persian Prosodical Problem
- Historical Monuments and Earthquakes in Tabriz
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Continuity and Change in the Administrative Geography of Late Sasanian and Early Islamic al-'Iraq
- Qal'eh-i Yazdigird: An Overview of the Monumental Architecture
- Excavations of the Defensive Wall of the Gurgan Plain
- Archaeology and Pre-Achaemenid Metalworking in Iran: a Fifteen Year Retrospective
- Representations of Urartian and Western Iranian Fortress Architecture in the Assyrian Reliefs
- The Trial of Mulla 'Ali Bastami: a Combined Sunni-Shi'i Fatwa against the Bab
- From Qanat to Kort, Traditional Irrigation Terminology and Practices in Central Iran
- Seal-Impressions of Parthian Qumis (Qumis Commentaries No. 4)
- Un Mors Achemenide en Provenance du Gorgan
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Bibliographical Abbreviations
- Introductions
- Previous research
- Outline of the present study
- The Techniques of the Sculptors
- Tools
- The order in which the figures were carved
- Painting and inlay
- Time taken to carve the reliefs
- The Methods of Analysis and the Identification of the Sculptors of the South Stairs on the East Side of the Apadana
- Methods of Analysis and their Application to the West Side of the South Stairs
- Mathematical cluster analysis
- Sculptors' marks
- Stylistic analysis
- Analysis of the East Side of the South Stairs
- Mathematical cluster analysis
- Sculptors' marks
- Stylistic analysis
- Conclusion
- The Sculptors of the North Wing of the East Side of the Apadana
- The reliefs on the East Side of the Apadana
- Sculptors' marks
- "Susian" Guards
- Grooms, Horses, and Chariots
- Persian and Median Nobles
- The Stairs and Parapets of the North Wing
- Conclusion
- The Sculptors of the Centre and the South Wing of the East Side of the Apadana
- The Centre of the East Side
- The South Wing of the East Side
- Delegations of Subject Peoples
- The Stairs and Parapets of the South Wing
- The Sculptors of the North Side of the Apadana
- The East Wing
- The Centre
- The West Wing
- The Centre
- The West Wing
- The Stairs and Parapets
- Conclusions
- The Sculptors of the South Stairs of the Central Building, of the Stairs of Xerxes' Palace, and of Other Reliefs at Persepolis
- The South Stairs of the Central Building
- The East Stairs of Xerxes' Palace
- The West Stairs of Xerxes' Palace
- Other Reliefs and the Problems of Their Analysis
- Sculptors' marks and the division of labour
- Sculptors' marks and Masons's Marks
- The Organization of the Sculptural Work at Persepolis
- The Evidence of the Texts
- Some Observation on the techniques of the design
- Proportion and the Sculptor's Canon
- "Pointing"
- Metrology and Planning
- Some Observation on the Compositions of the Reliefs
- The Composition and Design of the Nobles on the Apadana
- Comparison of the Other Scenes on the North and East Sides of the Apadana
- Comparison of the Western and Eastern Halves of the North Stairs of the Central Building
- Comparison of the East and West Sides of the South Stairs of the Central Building
- Other Reliefs at Persepolis
- Conclusion
- The Chronological Development of the Persepolitan Style
- Methods and Problems
- The Dated Reliefs
- The Undated Reliefs
- Stone Reliefs from other Achaemenid Sites
- Conclusion
- The Architectural History of the Persepolis Terrace
- Appendix: Catalogue of Sculptors' Marks on Reliefs at Persepolis
- Governing Council
- The Cambridge University Archaeological Expedition to Iran 1969. Excavations in the Zagros Mountains: Houmian, Mir Malas and Barde Spid
- The First Arab Conquests in Fars
- The Dilemma of Government in Islamic Persia: the Siyasat-nama of Nizam al-Mulk
- Ilkhanid Architecture and Society: an Analysis of the Endowment Deed of the Rab'-i Rashidi
- Inscriptions by Muhammad Rida al-Imami
- On a Special Hat Introduced during the Reign of Shah Abbas the Great
- Meteorological Hazards and Disasters in Iran: a Preliminary Survey to 1950
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Obituaries: Professor L. P. Elwell-Sutton
- Excavations at Baba Jan: the Architecture and Pottery of Level I
- The Iranian Contribution to Achaemenid Material Culture
- A Protoliterate Kiln from Chogha Mish
- Report on the 1978 Sondage at Eshkaft-e Gavi
- An Updated Chronology of the Early and Middle Chalcolithic of the Central Zagros Highlands, Western Iran
- Towards the Study of Forms in Central Asian Architecture at the End of the Fourteenth Century: the Mausoleum of Khvaja Ahmad Yasavi
- Settlement of Highlands and Lowlands in Early Islamic Damghan
- The Pul-i Khwaju in Isfahan: a Combination of Bridge, Dam and Water Art
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- A Silver Jubilee
- Obituary: Antony Hutt
- A Regional Perspective on Godin III Cultural Development in Central Western Iran
- "Urmia Ware" and its Contribution in North-Western Iran in the Second Millenium B.C.: a Review of the Results of Excavations and Surveys
- A Hoard of Silver Currency from Achaemenid Babylonia
- A Parthian Campaign Against Elymais in 77 B.C.
- Some Rock-Cut Monuments in Southern Iran
- The Masjid-i Sang Near Darab and the Mosque of Shahr-i Ij: Rock- Cut Architecture of the Ilkhanid Period
- Naghar and Iryab: two Little-Known Islamic Sites of the North-West Frontier of Afghanistan and Pakistan
- The Mongol Capital of Sultaniyya, "the Imperial"
- Samuel Manesty and his Unauthorised Embassy to the Court of Fath 'Ali Shah
- Edward Fitzgerald, a Reader "of Taste" and 'Umar Khayyam 1809-1883
- Addendum to An Updated Chronology of the Early and Middle Chalcolithic of the Central Zagros Highlands, Western Iran
- Shorter Notice
- Governing Council
- Obituaries
- Institute's Annual Reports
- Acting Director's Report
- Peoples from the Iranian Plateau in Babylonia During the Second Millenium BC
- Glyptic Evidence for a Connection Between Iran, Syro-Palestine and Egypt in the Fourth and Third Millenia
- Saljuq Monuments in Iran. V. The Imamzada Nur, Gurgan
- Dinars from Western Mazandaran of Some Vassals of the Saljuq Sultan Muhammad b. Malik-Shah
- Legitimacy and Accommodation in Safavid Iran: the Juristic Theory of Muhammad Baqir al-Sabzavari (d. 1090/1679)
- The History of Maimana in North Western Afghanistan
- Qajar Rule in Fars Prior to 1849
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Who Destroyed Hasanlu IV?
- Socio-Economic Complexity in Southwestern Iran During the Fifth and Fourth Millennia B.C.: the Evidence from Tall-i Bakun A
- Some Notes on the Life of Datames
- Notes on Bust
- Blood and Wine: Sacrifice and Celebration in Manuchihri's Wine Poetry
- Islamic Orthodoxy or Realpolitik? Al-Ghazali's Views on Government
- Concepts of Authority in Persia: Eleventh to Nineteenth Centuries A.D.
- Political Symbolism in Early Indo-Islamic Mosque Architecture: the Case of Ajmir
- The Fall of Herat to the Uzbegs in 1588
- 'All Asghar, Court Painter
- Arches and Domes in Iranian Islamic Buildings: an Engineer's Perspective
- Shorter Notice
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary: Basil Gray
- Constructing the Chronology and Historical Implications of Hasanlu IV
- Musicians and Musical Instruments on the Rock Reliefs in the Elamite Sanctuary of Kul-e Farah (Izeh)
- Evenements historiques, localisations geographiques et indice chronologique attestes par les monnaies de Shipur II
- Mediaeval Textiles Excavated at Ghubayra
- Notes on Bust (Continued)
- On the Stylistic Idiosyncrasies of a Saljuq Stucco Workshop from the Region of Kashan
- Local History in Ninth/Fifteenth Century Yazd: the Tarikh-i Jadid-i Yazd
- The Plague of 1877 and the Economy of Gilan
- The Intrepid Victorian Lady in Persia: Mrs. Isabella Bishop's Travels in Luristan and Kurdistan, 1890
- State Bank or Agent of Empire? The Imperial Bank of Persia's Loan Policy 1920 - 1923
- 'Tis Sixty Years Ago, or, What the Schoolboy Knew
- Shorter Notices
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Coins and Mints of Ancient Elymais
- Titulature de Shapur II
- Notes on Bust (Continued)
- Ghaznavid Panegyrics: Some Political Implications
- Jalal al-Din, the Mongols, and the Khwarazmian Conquest of the Panjab and Sind
- The Itineraries of Sultan Öljeitü, 1304 - 1316
- The Sufi Shaykh and the Sultan: a Conflict of Claims to Authority in Medieval India
- Shorter Notice
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituaries: Gordon Calver
- The Decorated Ironwork of the Early Iron Age Attributed to Luristan in Western Iran
- The Decorated Iron Swords from Luristan: Their Material and Manufacture
- Kavad's Heresy and Mazdak's Revolt
- Farrukhi's Elegy on Mahmud of Ghazna
- The 'Abbasid Glazed Wares of Siraf and the Basra Connection: Petrographic Analysis
- New Thoughts on Old Hormuz
- The Ribat of 'Ali b. Karmakh
- The Copies of the Qutb Minar
- Weakness and Thirst: Unpublished Poems in Balochi by Gul Khan Nasir and 'Ata Sad
- Ancient Assyrian Textiles and the Origins of Carpet Design
- Khwaju Kirmani (689-753 / 1290-1352): an Eminence Grise of Fourteenth Century Persian Painting
- Metalwork of the Turcoman Dynasties of Eastern Anatolia and Iran
- Agrarian Change in Two Regions of Kerman
- Shorter Notice
- Conference News
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituaries: James Livingstone and Michael Browne
- Central Asia and the Indo-Iranian Borderland
- Muhammadi and the Khurasan Style
- Archaeological Investigations at Horom in the Shirak Plain of North-Western Armenia, 1990
- New Data on Ancient Bactrian Body-Armour (in the Light of Finds from Kampyr Tepe)
- New Material on Ancient Merv
- Zoroastrian Survivals in Iranian Folklore II
- Ideas of Time in Persian Sufism
- Persian Historiography of the Early Nizari Isma'ilis
- The Carpet Trade and the Economy of Iran, 1870-1906
- Memento of a Life
- Persian Exports to Russia from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century
- The Arjan Bowl
- The Historico-Cultural Significance of the Sogdian Calendar
- Short Notice
- Conference News
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Preliminary Report on the 1992 Excavations at Horom, Armenia
- Excavations at Southern Gonur
- The International Merv Project, Preliminary Report on the First Season (1992)
- A Parthian Statuette from Susa and the Bronze Statue from Shami
- Coin Finds from the Excavations of Ak-depe by the Station of Artyk
- A Parthian Inscription on a Vessel from Ak-depe
- A Seventh-Century Hoard of Sasanian Drachms
- Two Sources of the Handarz of Osnar
- Middle Persian and Some Other Graffiti on Sasanian Coins from the Moscow Collection
- Symbolic Structure in a Poem by Nasir-i-Khusrau
- A Silver Bowl in the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore (Thirteenth-Century Silversmiths' Work in Asia Minor)
- The Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon's Travels in Russian Central Asia and Persia
- Despotism and the Peasantry in Iran in the Nineteenth Century: an Overview
- Watermills in Iran
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