Classical Philology. Vol. 4 (Jan.- Oct.) 1909

A quarterly journal devoted to research in the languages, literatures, history, and life of classical antiquity.

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Volume IV, January - October, 1909
  • F. Abbott -Vulgar Latin in the Ars Consentii de Barbarismis
  • F. Allen - The Verbal in -τεο in Polybius
  • T. Allen - The Meanings of κύτος
  • R. Anderson - The Use of the OE Diphthong in Plautus
  • A. Bechtel - Finger-Counting Among the Romans in the Fourth Century
  • C. Bonner - On Certain Supposed Literary Relationships. Part. I / Part. II
  • D. Buck - An Archaic Boeotian Inscription
  • W. Fay - The Latin Accusatives Med, Ted etc.
  • T. Frank - A Chapter in the Story of Roman Imperialism
  • L. Frothingham - Propertius and the Arae Perusinae
  • T. Kluge - Studien zur Topographie von Paestum
  • M. Lindsay - The Archetype Codex of Valerius Maximus
  • T. Merrill - The City of Servius and the Pomerium
  • W. Prescott - Studies in the Grouping of Nouns in Plautus
  • J. Putnam - Lucian the Sophist
  • K. Rand - Early Mediaeval Commentaries on Terence
  • J. Schlicher - The Temporal Cum-Clause and its Rivals
  • A. Scott - The Influence of Meter on the Homeric Choice of Dissyllables
  • W. Shipley - Studies in the MSS of the Third Decade of Livy
  • H. Tukey - The Composition of the De Oratoribus Antiquis of Dionysius
  • L. Ullman - The Book Divisions of Propertius. Additions and Corrections to CIL
  • V. Hook - The Literary Criticism in the Bibliotheca of Photius
  • W. Withe - The Iambic Trimeter in Menander
  • D. Buck - The Archaic Boeotian Inscription Again
  • W. Dennison - Caesar's Battle with the Helvetians
  • M. Foster - On the Hypotesis to Antiphon 2 β
  • T. Frank - Some Classical Quotations from the Middle Ages Emendation of De Civ. Dei ii. 27
  • A. Heidel - Note on Euripides Alcestis 290 ff.
  • C. Johnson - Note on Polybius xxx. 23. 3
  • G. Laird - ΚΛΟΤΟΠΕΥΕΙΝ
  • H. Macurdy - The Simple Past Condition with Potential Indicative in Apodosis
  • T. Merril - Pliny Ep. II. 12. 4
  • S. Phillimore - Propertius II. xii. 18
  • W. Prescott - Marginalia on the Hellenistic Poets
  • L. Ransom - The International Congress of Archaeologists
  • J. Scott - Iliad A 446
  • P. Shorey - On Thucydides II. 15. 4
  • P. Shorey -Note on Diogenes Laertius IV. 59
  • P. Shorey -On Aristotle De Part. An. IV. 10
  • P. Shorey -Emendation of Crates Epist. xix
  • P. Shorey -Aeschylus Fragment 207 and the Satyr Chorus
  • J. Wright, obytuary notice

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