Studies in classical philology (1895) (4 vol.)

Volumul 01.

  • G. Hale - The Anticipatory Subjunctive in Greek and Latin
  • E. Capps - Vitruvius and the Greek Stage
  • F. Tarbell - The Direction of Writing on Attic Vases
  • C. Buck - The Oscan-Umbrian Verb-System
  • P. Shorey - The Idea of Good in Plato's Republic
Volumul 02.

  • H. Searles - A Lexicographical Study of the Greek Inscriptions
  • W. Stratton - History of Greek Noun-Formation. I. Suffixes with - μ -

Volumul 03.

  • E. Goodspeed - Papyri from Karanis
  • F. Abbott - The Use of Repetition in Latin to Secure Emphasis, Intensity, and Distinctness of Impression
  • C. Burgess - Epideictic Literature

Volumul 04.

  • E. Bechtel - Sanctae Silviae Peregrinatio
  • B. Peaks - The General Civil and Military Administration of Noricum and Raetia