- Preface
- Abbreviations
- Mani and the Magians - CMC 137·140
- The identity of the sect
- Text and interpretation
- The setting of the encounter
- The Jews in Manichaean Literature
- Chaldaeans in Manichaean Literature
- Whose "synagogue"?
- The Leader of the Sect
- The "teaching of the fathers"
- Magic in the "Synagogue"
- Conclusion
- From Mesopotamia to the Roman East - The Diffusion of Manichaeism in the Eastern Roman Empire
- Manichaeism as a missionary religion
- The earliest missions to the Roman Empire
- Manichaeism in Roman Mesopotamia and Syria
- Manichaeism in Palestine and Arabia
- Manichacism in Egyp
- Fragments in Syriac from Oxyrhynchus and others
- The Manichaean codices from Medinet Madi
- The Cologne Mani-Codex
- The new finds at Kellis
- History of Manichaeism in Egypt
- Manichaeism in the Balkans and Asia Minor
- Fact and Fiction in the Acta Archelai
- Introduction
- Date and original language
- Charra, Carchara, Chalcar and Caschar
- The debate, the letters and the vila
- Conclusion
- "Felix conversus ex Manichaeis" . a case of mistaken identity?
- Some themes in Later Roman anti-Manichaean polemics
- Introduction
- Polemics against Mani and the Title of the Sect
- Polemics against the person of Mani
- Refutation of Mani's System
- The Problem of Evil
- Appendix: List of the main anti-Manichaean worksin Greek and Latin (3rd-6th Century)
- An early Byzantine Formula for the renunciation of Manichaeism - The Capila VII Contra Maniehaeos of
. Introduction. text. translation and commentary - Introduction
- The abjuration of heretical beliefs in the Late Roman Church
- The "Anathemas of Milan"
- The Latin Anathema Formulas
- The Greek Anathema Formulas
- The new text from Athos
- Conclusion
- Texts and translations of the Seven Chapters and of the Long Formula
- Commentary
- Appendices
- Anathemas against "latter day Manichaeans" (i.e. Paulicians) in the Long (Greek) Abjuration Formula
- The Short (Greek) Abjuration Formula
- The Milan Anathemas
- The Commonitorium Saneti Augustini
- Index of proper names
- Index of Sources