A Companion to Ancient Egypt. Vol. I. Edited by Alan B. Lloyd. Blackwell, 2010.
N.B. Ambele volume sunt intr-un singur document!
Vol. I:
- List of Illustrations
- Notes on Contributors
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- List of Abbreviations
- Chronology
- Maps
- The Land of Egypt
- The Physical Context of Ancient Egypt
- Historical Narratives
- Prehistory
- The Early Dynastic Period
- The Old Kingdom
- The First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom
- The Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom
- Libyans and Nubians
- Saites and Persians (664–332)
- The Ptolemaic Period
- The Roman Period
- State and Economic Structures
- The Pharaoh and Pharaonic Office
- Administration and Law: Pharaonic
- Administration and Law: Graeco-Roman
- Priests and Temples: Pharaonic
- Egyptian Temples and Priests: Graeco-Roman
- The Economy: Pharaonic
- The Economy: Graeco-Roman
- Settlements – Distribution, Structure, Architecture: Pharaonic
- Settlements – Distribution, Structure, Architecture: Graeco-Roman
- Transport in Ancient Egypt
- Science and Technology: Pharaonic
- Science and Technology: Alexandrian
- Military Institutions and Warfare: Pharaonic
- Military Institutions and Warfare: Graeco-Roman
- The Social Order
- Social Structure and Daily Life: Pharaonic
- Social Structure and Daily Life: Graeco-Roman
- Religion in Society: Pharaonic
- Religion in Society: Graeco-Roman
- Bibliography
- Language and Literature
- Language, Scripts, and Literacy
- Middle Kingdom Literature
- New Kingdom Literature
- Late Period Literature
- Coptic and Coptic Literature
- Greek Literature in Egypt
- The Visual Arts
- Temple Architecture and Decorative Systems
- Mortuary Architecture and Decorative Systems
- Early Dynastic Art and Iconography
- Old Kingdom Sculpture
- Sculpture of the Middle Kingdom
- New Kingdom Sculpture
- Late Period Sculpture
- Ptolemaic and Romano-Egyptian Sculpture
- Pharaonic Painting through the New Kingdom
- Mosaics and Painting in Graeco-Roman Egypt
- Egyptian Art of Late Antiquity
- The Reception of Egyptian Culture
- The Reception of Pharaonic Egypt in Classical Antiquity
- The Reception of Egypt in Europe
- The Reception of Pharaonic Egypt in Islamic Egypt
- Ancient Egypt in the Museum: Concepts and Constructions
- Bibliography
- Index