Bianca Kühnel - From the Earthly to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Representations of the Holy City in Christian Art of the First Millennium. [Rome-Freiburg/Br.-Vienna: Herder Verlag, 1987 (Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte, 42. Supplementheft).]
- Foreword
- Introduction
- The Written Sources:
- The Old Testament
- The Jewish Writings of the New Testament's Formation Period
- Jerusalem, the Earthly
- Jerusalem, the Future
- Jerusalem, the Heavenly
- The New Testament
- The Visual Representations:
- Through the Earthly the the Heavenly Jerusalem
- The Apse Mosaic of S. Pudentiana, Rome
- The Constantinian Volte-face
- The Patristic Exegesis on Jerusalem
- The Attitude Toward the Jewish Temple
- The Spiritual Concept of Christian Jerusalem
- The Building of the Holy Sepulchre and Its Segnificance
- Palestinian Art
- The Madaba Mosaic Map
- The Loca Sancta Eulogia
- The Cleveland Pyxis and Related Works
- A Parallel: The Representation of the Temple in Jewish Art
- Heavenly Jerusalem, a Revelation
- Historical Background and Methodological Confines
- The Continuity Aspect
- The Illustration of the Apocalypse of John
- The Illustration of the Beatus Commentary
- Carolingian and Ottonian Architectonic Images of Heavenly Jerusalem
- The Apocalypses of Trier and Cambrai
- The Apocalypses of Valenciennes and Paris
- The Bamberg Apocalypse
- Related Representations: The Crusaders Maps of Jerusalem
- "Civitas in quadro posita"
- The Beatus Manuscripts
- San Pietro al Monte sopra Civate
- The Sources: representations of the Temple and the Tabernacle
- The Psychomachia of Prudentius
- The Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes
- The Codex Granditor of Cassiodorus
- Conclusions
- Notes
- Selected Bibliography and List of Abbreviations
- Index
- List of Illustrations