Theodore Papanghelis & Antonios Rengakos - A Companion to Apollonius Rhodius [2000]
Un alt volum din excelenta serie Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum.
P.S. Probabil ca multi dintre Dumneavoastra se intreaba de ce acest blog este imbogatit atat de rar cu noi titluri. Adevarul e ca incerc sa il tin foarte low-profile, avand in vedere cruciada googleiana impotriva celor care posteaza altceva decat poze proprii... Asadar, mai rarut ca'i mai dragut, cum spunea cineva.
Un alt volum din excelenta serie Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum.
- List of Contributors
- Editors' Introduction
- Outlines of Apollonian Scholarship (1955-1999)
- The Textual Tradition of the Argonautica
- Myth and History in the Biography of Apollonius
- Hellenistic Chronology: Theocritus, Callimachus, and Apollonius Rhodius
- The Poetics of Narrative in the Argonautica
- Apollonius Rhodius as "Inventor" of the Interior Monologue
- The Similes of Apollonius Rhodius. Intertextuality and Epic Innovation
- "Homeric" Formularity in the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes
- Apollonius Rhodius as a Homeric Scholar
- Apollonius as a Hellenistic Geographer
- Apollonius and Virgil
- "Est deus in nobis . . .": Medea meets her Maker
- Echoes and Imitations of Apollonius Rhodius in Late Greek Epic
- The Golden Fleece. Imperial Dream
- Bibliography
- Index
P.S. Probabil ca multi dintre Dumneavoastra se intreaba de ce acest blog este imbogatit atat de rar cu noi titluri. Adevarul e ca incerc sa il tin foarte low-profile, avand in vedere cruciada googleiana impotriva celor care posteaza altceva decat poze proprii... Asadar, mai rarut ca'i mai dragut, cum spunea cineva.