Am adunat in e-biblioteca mea cateva volume din seria Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum. In afara faptului ca volumele aparute sub aceasta sigla sunt de o calitate excelenta, sunt si foarte scumpe. De aceea nu prea pot fi vazute in colectii particulare, ci mai mult in biblioteci - si mai ales in Occident.
Politics of Orality este volumul 6 dintr-o excelenta serie intitulata Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece.
Politics of Orality este volumul 6 dintr-o excelenta serie intitulata Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece.
- Preface
- Notes on Contributors
- The Language of Heroes and the Language of Heroines: storytelling in oral traditional epic
- “Summoning Together all the People”: variant tellings of the Mwindo Epic as social and political deliberation
- Orality and Textual Criticism: the Homeric Hymns
- Orality and the Politics of Scholarship
- Written Lists of Military Personnel in Classical Athens
- Why the Athenians forgot Cleisthenes: literacy and the politics of remembrance in ancient Athens
- Lycurgus and the State Text of Tragedy
- Myth and Writing in Aeschines’ Against Timarchus
- Orality and the Politics of Roman Peacemaking
- Theognis’ Sphrêgis: Aristocratic Speech and the Paradoxes of Writing
- Thucydides’ History Live: reception and politics
- From Orality to Literacy: The Moral Education of the Elite in Fourth-Century Athens
- Writing Divine Speech: Greek transliterations of Near Eastern languages in the Hellenistic East
- Fighting the Future: Euripidean letters and Thucydides’ Athens
- Elitist Orality and the Triviality of Writing
- Neronian Oral Politics: the case of Musonius Rufus
- Oral “Agreement”, Written Contract, and the Bonds of Law at Athens
- Did the Athenian Courts Attempt to Achieve Consistency? Oral tradition and written records in the Athenian administration of justice
- Select Index