Svetla Slaveva-Griffin - Plotinus on Number, Oxford University Press, USA, 2009.
- Abbreviations
- Introduction: One by Number
- Platonic Cosmology on Plotinian Terms
- Ennead VI.6 and the Timaeus
- Origin of Multiplicity in Plotinus
- Plotinus’ Apostasis and Numenius’ Stasis
- The Universe as Degrees of Separation from the One
- Multiplicity as Number
- Surfacing from the “Neopythagorean Underground”
- Outward and Inward Direction of Multiplicity in Ennead VI.6
- Multiplicity as Effl uence and Unity
- The Number of Infi nity
- Plato’s Position
- Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato and the Platonists
- Plotinus’ Answer
- Number and Substance
- Plotinus’ Three Hypotheses about Number in the Intelligible Realm
- Is Substantial Number Discrete and Incidental?
- The Whole Number of Beings
- Substantial and Monadic Number
- Number and the Universe
- Substantial Number and the One
- Substantial Number and Absolute Being
- Substantial Number and Intellect
- Substantial Number and Beings
- Substantial Number and the Complete
- Living Being
- Soul and Number
- The Unfi gured Figure of Soul’s Dance
- Unity of Thought and Writing
- Porphyry and the Enneads
- Ennead VI.6
- “Six Along with the Nines”
- Conclusion: In Defense of Plato
- Bibliography
- Index of Names and Subjects
- Index Locorum
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