Dupa ceva munca depusa, iata ultima parte a colectiei revistei Iran. Asa cum ati putut remarca, fiecare numar prezentat contine si cuprinsul aferent asa ca identificarea unor tematici aparte (poezie, arhitectura etc.) devine mult mai facila, cu atat mai facila cu cat am eliminat toate semnele diacritice folosite in redarea numelor proprii etc.
Vol. 32 (1994):
Vol. 32 (1994):
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary: Professor Louis Vanden Berghe
- Preliminary Report on the 1993 Excavations at Horom, Armenia
- Elamites and Other Peoples from Iran and the Persian Gulf Region in Early Mesopotamian Sources
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Second Season (1993)
- The Fall of al-Madain: Some Literary References Concerning Sasanian Spoils of War in Mediaeval Islamic Treasuries
- The Chinese Uighur Animal Calendar in Persian Historiography of the Mongol Period
- Anecdotes of a Provincial Sufi of the Dehli Sultanate
- The Accession of Iskandar Khan
- The Ijaza from Yusuf Al-Bahrani (d. 1186 / 1772) to Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Bahr al-Ulum (d. 1212 / 1797-8)
- James Baillie Fraser: Traveller, Writer and Artist 1787-1856
- British Indian Views (Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries) of the Later Followers of the Rauxaniyya Sect in Afghanistan and Northern India
- Production of Sugar in Iran in the Nineteenth Century
- Hajji Abbas
- Diz
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary: Professor Edith Porada
- Approaches to Zoroaster's Gathas
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Third Season (1994)
- "Place" and "Throne" in Persian
- A Fifth Century Hoard of Sasanian Drachms (A.D. 399-460)
- Edward Gibbon and the East
- Hajji Baba and Mirza Abul Hasan Khan-a Conundrum
- Major-General Sir John Malcolm (1769 - 1833) and The History of Persia
- Some Remarks on the Northern Iranian Dialect of the Alamut Region
- E. G. Browne and his A Year Amongst the Persians
- Silver Door Facings of the Safavid Period
- The 1994 Excavations of the Daghestan-American Archaeological Expedition to Velikent in Southern Daghestan, Russia
- A Silver Bowl of Artaxerxes I
- Early Urban Developments in Central Asia
- The Kavir-i Khurian Oil Concession
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituaries
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season (1995)
- New Plans of Early Iron Age and Urartian Fortresses in Armenia: A Preliminary Reporton the Ancient Landscapes Project
- The Persian Calendar
- Sasanian Bullae from the Excavations of Ak-Depe by the Station of Artyk
- Petite Liste de Quelques Ateliers Sassanides Inedits
- Innovative Methods in the Manufacture of Sasanian Seals
- Aziz Nasafi's Six Ontological Faces (Wherever You Turn There is the Face of God)
- James Baillie Fraser in Mashhad, or, the Pilgrimage of a Nineteenth Century Scotsman to the Shrine of the Imam Rida
- Foreign Trade and the Economy of Iran in the Nineteenth Century
- A Persian Nautical Glossary
- Shorter Notice: The Conference in Commemoration of Rashid al-Din al-Maibudi, Maibud, Yazd, 25th-28th April 1995
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Fifth Season (1996)
- An Amir Khusraw Khamsa of 1581
- Excavations at Kazakl'i-Yatkan in the Tash-Ki'rman Oasis of Ancient Chorasmia: a Preliminary Report
- The Elymaian Rock-Carving of Shaivand, Izeh
- Wrestling at the Victoria and Albert Museum
- A Lodi Inscription from Eastern Panjab
- A Persian Gulf in the Sea of Lights: the Chapter on Naw-Ruz in the Bihar al-Anwar
- A Preliminary Account of the Persian Manuscripts in the Collection of the Late Sir Harold W. Bailey
- Mediaeval Iranian Lustre-Painted and Associated Wares: Typology in a Multidisciplinary Study
- Archaeological News from Iran
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituaries
- Seals and Signs. Anatolian Stamp Seals of the Persian Period Revisited
- Pre- and Early-Roman Roads of Asia Minor. The Persian Road
- A Chariot Scene from Persepolis
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Sixth Season (1997)
- Une suite aux Ateliers de Perside
- The Mary Hoard of Early Islamic Dirhams
- The Merger of Two Currency Zones in Early Islam. The Byzantine and Sasanian Impact on the Circulation in Former Byzantine Syria and Northern Mesopotamia
- A Sufi Perspective of Evil
- War and Reconstruction. The Condition of Historical Buildings and Monuments in Herat, Afghanistan
- "Before the Babas came to India" A Reconstruction of the Earlier Lives of Baba Sa'id Palangposh and Baba Muhammad Musafir in "Wilayat"
- Burials and Memorials of the British in Persia
- Writing the History of Modern Iran: a Comment on Approaches and Sources
- Archaeological News from Iran
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary
- The International Merv Project: Preliminary Report on the Seventh Season (1998)
- Grog, Petrology and Early Transcaucasians at Godin Tepe
- Archaeological Research in the Islamabad Plain, Central Western Zagros Mountains: Preliminary Results from the First Season, Summer 1998
- Game Boards and Other Incised Graffiti at Persepolis
- Between the Safavids and the Mughals: Art and Artists in Transition
- The Bandar CAbbas-Isfahan Route in the Late Safavid Era (1617-1717)
- Sufism and Anti-Sufism in Safavid Iran: The Authorship of the Hadiqat al-Shi'a Revisited
- Napoleon and Persia
- Religious Dissidence and Urban Leadership: Baha'is in Qajar Shiraz and Tehran
- From Revolutionary Tasnif to Patriotic Surud: Music and Nationbuilding in Pre-World War II Iran
- The Revolt of Shaykh Muhammad Khiyabani
- Burials and Memorials of the British in Persia: Further Notes and Photographs
Vol. 38 (2000):
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Eighth Season (1999)
- Kirman, terre de turbulence
- The Persepolis Sculptures in the British Museum
- The Khazineh Painted Styles of Western Iran
- The Khwarazmshahs of the Banu Iraq (Fourth / Tenth Century)
- Decoding the Two-Dimensional Pattern found at Takht-i Sulaiman into Three-Dimensional Muqarnas Forms
- Scholarship and a Controversial Group of Safavid Carpets
- Prince Abd ul-Husayn Mirza Farman-Farma. Notes from British Sources
- The Survival of Zoroastrianism in Yazd
- Islamic Modernity and the Desiring Self: Muhammad Iqbal and the Poetics of Narcissism
- New Perspectives on the Chronological and Functional Horizons of Kuh-e Khwaja in Sistan
- Archaeological Reports
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary : Desmond Harne
- The International Merv Project. Preliminary Report on the Ninth Year (2000)
- Mausolea at Merv and Dahistan
- Chemical Characterization of Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery from the Tehran Plain, Iran
- Malyan 1999
- Inscribed Column Bases from Hamadan
- Five Seasons of Excavations in the Tash-K'irman Oasis of Ancient Chorasmia, 1996-2000. An Interim Report
- A Group of Reused Byzantine Tables as Evidence for Seljuq Architectural Patronage in Damascus
- Ghaznavid and Ghurid Minarets
- The Sarrafan Baths in Bukhara
- Safavid Potters' Marks and the Question of Provenance
- Sufis and Competing Movements in Nishapur
- Occult Science and the Fall of the Khwarazm-Shah Jalal al-Din
- The Chapar-Khana System in Qajar Iran
- Burials and Memorials in Persia: Further Notes and Photographs
- Shorter Notice
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Stone Tool Production, Distributiona and Use during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic on the Tehran Plain, Iran
- The Ancient Merv Project, Turkmenistan. Preliminary Report on the First Season (2001)
- Tuwah Khoshkeh: A Middle Chalcolithic Mobile Pastoralist Camp-Site in the Islamabad Plain, West Central Zagros Mountains, Iran
- The Fortification and Palace of Northern Gonur
- The Ethno-linguistic Character of Northwester Iran and Kurdistan in the Neo-Assyrian Period
- Sasanian Pottery in Southern Iran and Eastern Arabia
- Paper and Metal: The Irony that Ensues: the Coinage of Mas'ud of Ghazna (421-31 / 1030-40)
- A Note on a Unique Islamic Golden Figurine
- Reconsidering the Life of Mulla Sadra Shirazi (d. 1641): Notes towards an Intellectual Biography
- Legations and Gardens and their Subalterns
- The Poet-Laureate Bahar in the Constitutional Era
- The Early Iranian Stone "Weights" and an Unpublished Sumerian Foundation Deposit
- Safavid Blue and White Bowls and the Chinese Connection
- Shorter Notice
- Archaeological Reports
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary
- The Banesh-Kaftari Interface. The View from Operation H5, Malyan
- Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta. First Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Graveyard 1997 - 2000
- Archaeological Research in the Mianab Plain of Lowland Susiana, South-western Iran
- The Ancient Merv Project, Turkmenistan. Preliminary Report on the Second Season (2002)
- Parthian Calendars at Babylon and Seleucia on the Tigris
- The Effect of the Arab Muslim Conquest on the Administrative Division of Sasanian Persis / Fars
- Excavations at Kuva (Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan)
- The Iranian Component of the Nusayri Religion
- Sufism and Isma'ili Doctrine in the Persian Poetry of Nizari Quhistani (645 - 721 / 1247 - 1321)
- The Safavid Ceramic Industry at Kirman
- Petrography of Pottery from Kirman
- Book Translations as a Cultural Activity in Iran 1806 - 1896
- France and the Anglo-Russian Accords: the Discreet Missing Link
- Leon Tigranovich Gyuzalian, on the Centenary of his Birth (15 March 1900)
- The Development of Women's Football in Iran. A Perspective on the Future for Women's Sport in the Islamic Republic
- Archaeological Reports
- Governing Council
- Report of the Council
- Obituary
- Location, Location, Location: A Pilot Survey of the Tehran Plain in 2003
- Cheshmeh-Ali Revisited: Towards an Absolute Dating of the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Iran's Tehran Plain
- Kushk-e Hezar: A Mushki / Jari Period Site in the Kur River Basin, Fars, Iran
- A New Look at the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Southeastern Iran
- Copper and Complexity: Iran and Mesopotamia in the Fourth Millennium B .C.
- The Banesh-Kaftari Interface: The View from Operation H5, Malyan
- Cyrus and the Achaemenids
- The Lan Ceremony and Other Ritual Ceremonies in the Achaemenid Period: The Persepolis Fortification Tablet
- Farghana under the Samanids (According to the Data of Numismatic)
- The Mongols in Iran: A Reappraisal
- The Masjid-i Malik in Kirman
- Bayazd Beg Turkman's Pilgrimage to Makka and Return to Gujarat: A Sixteenth Century Narrative
- Borazjan, A Rural Market Town in Bushire's Hinterland
- A Persian Sufi in British India: The Travels of Mirza Hasan Safi 'Ali Shah (1251 / 1835 - 1316 / 1899)
- Ahmad Kasravi's Criticisms of Edward Granville Browne
- Centenary Bibliography of Basil Gray
- Archaeological Report
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