T. 1: Varia Aethiopica. In Memory of Sevir B. Chernetsov (1943–2005)
Т. 2: Universum Hagiographicum. Mémorial R. P. Michel van Esbroeck, s. j. (1934–2003)
Т. 3: The Theophaneia School: Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism
Т. 4: Patrologia Pacifica. Selected papers presented to the Western Pacific Rim Patristics Society 3rd Annual Conference (Nagoya, Japan, September 29 — October 1, 2006) and other patristic studies
Т. 2: Universum Hagiographicum. Mémorial R. P. Michel van Esbroeck, s. j. (1934–2003)
Т. 3: The Theophaneia School: Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism
Т. 4: Patrologia Pacifica. Selected papers presented to the Western Pacific Rim Patristics Society 3rd Annual Conference (Nagoya, Japan, September 29 — October 1, 2006) and other patristic studies