John Edwin Sandys - A History of Classical Scholarship: From the Sixth Century B.C. to the 19th Century. Vol. 01: From the revival of learning to the end of the eighteenth century (in Italy, France, England, and the Netherlands).
- Book 01: The Revival of Learning in Italy, c. 1321 - c. 1527 A.D.
- Chronological Table, 1321 - 1527 A.D.
- Cap. 01: Introduction. The four principal periods in the modern History of Scholarship, (1) Italian, (2) French, (3) English and Dutch, (4) German. The Renaissance. Petrarch and Boccaccio.
- Cap. 02: The Villa Paradiso and San Spirito. Coluccio Salutati. Chrysoloras. Giovanni di Conversino. Giovanni Malpaghini. Gasparino da Barzizza.
- Cap. 03: The Recovery of the Latin Classics by Poggio, Landriani, Francesco Pizzolpasso, Enoch of Ascoli, Sannazaro, Politian, Giorgio Galbiate, Parrasio, and Fra Giocondo; and of the Greek Classics by Guarino, Aurispa and Filelfo , Bessarion, Constantine and Janus Lascaris. The Study of classical archaeology by Poggio, Chiriaco, Flavio Biondo, Andrea Mantegna, Felix Felicianus, Giulianu de San Gallo, and Fra Giocondo.
- Cap. 04: The ealry Medicean age in Florence. Roberto de'Rossi. Palla Strozzi. Cosimo dei Medici. Niccolo de'Niccoli. Traversari. Manetti. Leonardo Bruni. Marsuppini. Vergerio. Guarino. Vittorino. Filelfo.
- Cap. 05: The earlier Greek Immigrants. Gemistos Plethon. Bessarion. Theodorus Gaza. Georgius Trapezuntius. Joannes Argyropulos. Demetrius Chalcondyles. Nicolas Vand the translations of the Greek Classics. Valla, Decembrio and Perotti. Pius II, and Campano.
- Cap. 06: The later Greek Immigrants. Michael Apostolius. Andronicus Callistus. Constantine Lascaris. Janus Lascaris. Marcus Musurus. Zacharias Callierges.
- Cap. 07: The Academy of Florence; Landino, Ficio, Pico, Politian. Marullus. Savonarola. Machiavelli. The Academy of Naples; Beccadelli, Pontano, Sannazaro. The Academy of Rome; Pomponius Laetus, Platina and Sabellicus, Bambo and Sadoleto, Paolo Giovio and Castiglione.
- Cap. 08: The Printing of the Classics in Italy. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Philip de Lignamine. Ulrich Hahn. Georg Lauer. John of Spires. Bernardo Cennini. Aldus and Paulus Manutius: Aldus II.
- Chronological Conspectus of Editiones Principes
- Cap. 09: Leo X and his patronage of learning: Janus Lascaris and Marcus Musurus; Guarino of Favera; Filipo Beroaldo the younger. The study of Aristotle; Pietro Pomponazzi, Leonico Tomeo, Alessandro Achillini. Poets: - Bembo, Sadoleto, Calcagnini, Vida, Navagero, Fracastoro, Flaminio. Archaeologists: - Fra Giocondo, Francesco Albertini, Andrea Fulvio, Fabio Calvi and Raphael. Piero Valeriano, Clement VII and the Sack of Rome (1527)
- Book 02: The Sixteenth century
- Chronological Table, 1500 - 1600 A.D.
- Cap. 10: Erasmus
- Cap. 11: Italy from 1527 to 1600. Literary Criticism, Vida; Influence of Aristotle's treatise On the Art of Poetry. Victorius. Robortelli. Sigonius. Pantagato. Panvinio. Nizolius. Majoragius. Faernus. Muretus. Francesco Patrizzi. Fulvio Orsini. Archaeologists: - Marliani, Ligorio, Panciroli, Aldrovandi, J.B. de Cavaleriis, Lafreri, Flaminio Vacca. Aonio Paleario. Classical influence in Italian literature.
- Cap. 12: Spain. Nugno Gusmano, Arias Barbosa, Antonio of Lebrixa, Cardinal Ximenes, Sepulveda, Andrea Laguna, Nonius Pincianus, Clenardus, Vergara, Sanctius, Nunnesius, Agostino, Ciacconius, Cerda. Madrid, and the Escurial.
- Portugal. Resende, Achilles Statius, Osorio, Alvarez
- Cap. 13: France from 1360 to 1600. Bersuire, Oresme, Jean de Montreuil. The printers of the Sorbonne. Teachers of Greek: - Gregorio Tife nas, Hermonymus of Sparta, Aleander. Gourmont and the first Greek press in Paris. Budaeus. Corderius. Robert and Henri Estienne. The elder Scaliger. Etienne Dolet. The College de France; Danes and Toussain; Rabelais; Ramus, Turnebus, Dorat. Translators and literary critics. Lambinus. Passerat. Daniel, Pierre Pithou, and Bongars. Jurists: - De Grouchy, Cujas, Hotman, Doneau, Brisson, Godefroy. Translators: - Amyot and Le Roy. Montaigne. La Boetie, Pasquier, Sainte Marthe. Scaliger. Casaubon. Mercier.
- Cap. 14: The Netherlands from 1400 to the foundation of the University of Leiden, 1575. The Schools of the Brethren of the Common Life. Nicolaus Cusanus and Johann Wessel. Erasmus. Despauterius. Busleiden. Printers: - John of Westphalia, Martens, Plantin. Vives. Goclenius, Nannius. Torrentius, Pulmannus, Joannes Secundus, Hadrianus Junius, W. Canter (Pighius, Modius, Delrio, Cruquius).
- Cap. 15: England from 1370 to 1600. Chaucer, Lydgate, "Thomas of England". Visits of Poggio and Aeneas Sylvius. Adam de Molyneux; Humphrey duke of Gloucester. John Tiptoft, Andrew Holes, William Grey, John Free, Robert Flemming and John Gunthorpe. The Study of Greek. Selling, Linacre, Grocyn, W. Latimer, Lily, Colet, More. Greek at Oxford. Greek at Cambridge: - Bullock, Croke, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir John Cheke. Pronunciation of Greek and Latin. Ascham. Sir Thomas Wilson. Classical metres. Gabriel Harvey. Colleges and Schools. Translators. Latin poets of Italy studied in England.
- Scotland: - Buchanan, Volusenus, Melville, Johnston, Drummond. Wales: - John Owen.
- Cap. 16: Germany from 1350 to 1616. Petrarch and Charles VI. Vergerio and Sigismund. Aeneas Sylvius in Vienna. Peuerbach and Regiomontanus. Peter Luder and Hartman Schedel. Agricola. Hegius. Langen. Wimpheling. Brant. Reuchlin. Mutianus. Celtes. Trithemius and Pirkheimer. Peutinger. Cuspinianus. Vadianus. Busche. Bebel. Eobanus Hessus. The printers of Basel. Beatus Rhenanus. Glareanus, Grynaeus, Gelenius, Petrus Mosellanus. Melanchthon. Camerarius. Micyllus. Sturm. Rivius. F. Fabricius. H. Wolf. M. Neander. B. Faber. C. Gesner. M. Crusius. Frischlin. Xylander. Sylburg. Aem. Portus. Rhodomann. Hoeschel. Erasmus Schmied. Janus Guilielmus. Acidalius. Taubmann.
- Hungary: - Aeneas Sylvius and Ladislas. Vitez and Janus Pannonius. Matthias Corvinus.
- Poland: - Olesnicky. Dlugosz. Gregor of Sanok.
- Book 03: The Seventeenth Century
- Chronological Table, 1600 - 1700 A.D.
- Cap. 17: Italy in the Seventeenth Century. Arcahaeologists: - Cassiano del Pozzo, Donati, Nardini, Doni, Bellori and Bartoli, Raphael Fabretti. Composers of Latin verse: - Strada, Ceva, Sergardi. Imitators of Pindar and Horace.
- Cap. 18: France in the Seventeenth century. Sirmond, Petavius, Guyet, Peiresc. Salmasius. Heraldus, Palmerius, Seguier, Vigerus, Maussac, Valesius; C. and P. Labbe. Du Cange. The Jesuits and Port-Royal. Menage. The French Academy and the "Three Unities". Tanaquil Faber, Andre and Anne Dacier. Huet and the Delphin Classics. Mabillon. Hardouin. Spon
- Cap. 19: The Netherlands from the foundation of the University of Leyden (1575) to 1700. Janus Dousa and his sons. Petreius Tiara, Vulcanius. Lipsius. Andreas Schott. Puteanus. Scaliger. Wowerius. P. Merula. Baudius. Scriverius. G.J. Vossius. Franciscus Junius. Salmasius. Meursius. Putschius. Cluverius. Daniel Heinsius. Grotius. J.F. Gronovius. Isaac Vossius. N. Heinsius. Meibomius. (Spanheim.) Graevius. Rycke. J. and A. Gronovius. Broukhusius. Francius. Perizonius. Cuypers. The Elzeviers.
- Cap. 20: England and the Seventeenth century. Savile. Downes. Bacon. Robert Burton. Dempster. Barclay. Gataker. Salden. Milton. May. Cowley. Duport. Barrow. Pearson. Stanley. Falkland, Hales, Jeremy Taylor. The Cambridge Platonists: - More and Cudworth. Theophilus and Thomas Gale. Translators and Lucretius: - Evelyn, Lucy Hutchinson, and Creech. Baxter. Hudson. Potter. Dryden. Dodwell. Barnes.
- Cap. 21: Germany in the Seventeenth century. Gruter. Pareiis. Scioppius, Barth, and Reinesius. Seber and Weller. Lindenbrog; Holstenius and Kircher. Vorst, Jönsen, Lambeck. Morhof. Gude. Bernegger, Freinsheim, Boekler, Obrecht, Scheffer. Conring. Spanheim. Beger. Celarius.
- Book 04: The Eighteenth Century
- Chronological Table, 1700 - 1800 A.D.
- Cap. 22: Italy in the Eighteenth Century. Facciolati, Forcellini. Ferracci, Lagomarsini. Garatoni. Rezzonico. Corsini. Bandini, Mingarelli, Morelli. Archaeologists: - Ficoroni, Piranesi, Gori. Muratori, Maffei. Paciaudi, Morcelli, Marini. E.Q. Visconti. Fea.
- Cap. 23: France in the Eighteenth Century. Montfaucon. Capperonnier. Bouhier. Sanadon. Olivetus. Archaeologists: -Banduri, Fourmont, Burette, Freret, Comte de Caylus, Patin, Vaillant, Pellerin, Mariette, D'Anville, Barthelemy, Seroux d'Agincourt, Guys, Choiseul-Gouffier, Brotier, Larcher.
- Alsace (Brunck, Oberlin, Schweighauser, Bast) and the Editiones Bipontinae. Levesque, and Sainte-Croix. Villoison.
- Cap. 24: England in the Eighteenth Century. Bentley. Addison. Pope. Spence. Maittaire. Ruddiman. Wasse, Davies, Whiston, Middleton, S. Clarke, Needham. Markland, John Taylor, Dawes. Chr. Pitt, Vincent Bourne, Gray, Sydenham. Heath, Toup and Musgrave. Shaw, Joddrell. Tyrwhitt and Twining. Parr and H. Homer. Porson. Wakefield, Horne Tooke, Burgess. The Dilettanti Society: Stuart and Revett. R. Wood. Scholarly Statesmen: - Chatham, Burke, Fox, Pitt. Archaeologists: - Sir Wm Hamilton, Townley, R. Chandler, Payne Knight. A . Adam. Gibbon. Mitford. Sir Wm Jones.
- Cap. 25: The Netherlands in the Eighteenth Century. Le Clerc. Burman. Küster. Bos. Duker and Drakenborch. Havercamp. Hemsterhuys. J.F. Reitz. Wesseling. D'Orville. Oudendorp. Burman II. Schrader. Valckenaer. Ruhnken. Pierson, Koen, Santen, Luzac. Wyttenbach.
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