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Classical Philology. Vol. 12 (Jan. - Oct) 1917

- A. Charles - Demosthenes' Avoidance of Breves
- E. Bennett - Kroll on the Independent Latin Subjunctive
- C. Buck - Studies in Greek Noun-Formation:
- - Dental Terminations I. 1
- - Dental Terminations I. 2
- - Dental Terminations I. 3
- A. Carnoy - Hesiod's Description of Winter
- P. Clark - The Campaign of Plataiai
- J. Elmore - The Subjunctive in Restrictive Qui and Quod Clauses
- G. Hendrickson - Horace and Valerius Cato. II + III
- C. Knapp - References to Painting in Plautus and Terence
- W. Mendell - Petronius and the Greek Romance
- T. Elmer - On a Venetian Codex of Pliny's Letters
- G. Norlin - Ethnology and the Golden Age
- A. Pease - Notes on the Delphic Oracle and Greek Colonization
- W. Petersen - Latin Diminution of Adjectives. II
- H. Prescott - The Antecedents of Hellenistic Comedy
- J. Scott - Odysseus as a Sun-God
- A. Shewan - Beati Possidentes Ithakistae
- D. Stuart - The Sources and the Extent of Petrarch's Knowledge on the Life of Vergil
- Van Hook - Ψυχρότης ἢ τὸ Ψυχρόν
- L. Westermann - Aelius Gallus and the Reorganisation of the Irrigation System of Egypt under Augustus
- L. Westermann -Land Reclamation in the Fayum under Ptolemies Philadelphus and Euergetes I
- S. Bassett - ͐Ολιγομερία and Πολυμερία
- C. Coulter - A Seventeenth-Century Parody of Catullus 4
- R. Deferrari - On the Date and Order of Delivery of St. Augustine's Tractates on the Gospel and Epistle of St. John
- M. Deutsch - Caesar's First Wife
- J. Elmore - The H Symbol in Cicero Att. xiii. 33. 2
- J. Elmore - Professor Reid on Cicero Att. xiii. 33. 1 and Fam. xvi. 23. 1
- G. Harrer - Tacitus Agricola 44. 1
- C. Knapp - Horace Sermones ii. 1. 34-39
- W. Merrill - On Lucretius IV. 1125
- A. Pease - Were There Two Versions of Cicero's Prognostica?
- S. Platner - Varia Topographica
- K. Preston - Plautus Bacchides 434
- G. Robinson - Ocium Heinsii
- W. Rouse - Virgil Eclogues 4. 49
- C. Saunders - The Date of Cicero's Oratio De Provinciis Consularibus
- P. Shorey - Note on Chalcidius' Commentary on the Timaeus ccxxviii
- P. Shorey - Note on Plato (?) Theages 124E
- P. Shorey -A Lost Platonic Joke
- P. Shorey - Note on Plato Republic 368A
- F. Tarbell - A Supposedly Rhodian Inscription Re-examined
- C. Weller - May a Hero Have a Temple?
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