Cicero on the Attack. Invective and Subversion in the Orations and Beyond.
Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2007. Pp. xiv, 215. ISBN 978-1-905125-19-7. $69.50.
Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2007. Pp. xiv, 215. ISBN 978-1-905125-19-7. $69.50.
- Introduction: Man and Matter
- Invective and the Orator: Ciceronian Theory and Practice
- Ciceronian Invective: Themes and Variations
- Semantics and Pragmatics of Ciceronian Invective
- Smear and Spin: Ciceronian Tactics in De Lege Agraria II
- Name and Shame? Invective against Clodius and Others in the post-Exile Speeches
- Acting the Part: Techniques of the Comic Stage in Cicero's Early Speeches
- Greek Auxiliaries: Tragedy and Philosophy in Ciceronian Invective
- `What a Funny Consul we have!': Cicero's Dealings with Cato and Prominent Friends in Opposition
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