Konrad H. Kinzl (ed.), A Companion to the Classical Greek World. Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 632 p.
- Cap. 1: The Classical Age as a Historical Epoch
- Cap. 2: The Literary Sources
- Cap. 3: The Non-Literary Written Sources
- Cap. 4: The Contribution of the Non-Written Sources
- Cap. 5: Athens, Sparta and the Wider World
- Cap. 6: Aegean Greece
- Cap. 7: The Central and Northern Balkan Peninsula
- Cap. 8: The Greek Cities of the Black Sea
- Cap. 9: Western Greece (Magna Graecia)
- Cap. 10: Beyond Magna Graecia: Greeks and Non-Greeks in France, Spain and Italy
- Cap. 11: The Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond: The Relations between the Worlds of the "Greek" and "Non-Greek" Civilizations
- Cap. 12: The Natural Environment
- Cap. 13: Environments and Landscapes of Greek Culture
- Cap. 14: The Economic Realities
- Cap. 15: Religious Practice and Belief
- Cap. 16: Citizens, Foreigners and Slaves in Greek Society
- Cap. 17: Women and Ethnicity in Classical Greece: Changing the Paradigms
- Cap. 18: Greek Government
- Cap. 19: Democracy
- Cap. 20: Law and Rhetoric: Community Justice in Athenian Courts
- Cap. 21: The Organization of Knowledge
- Cap. 22: From Classical to Hellenistic Art
- Cap. 23: Warfare in the Classical Age
- Cap. 24: The Greek World, 478–432
- Cap. 25: The Peloponnesian War and its Aftermath
- Cap. 26: The Greek World, 371–336
- Cap. 27: The Conquests of Alexander the Great